What are the Best Questions to ask your Psychic?
Getting a reading from a psychic reader is a special experience, and one that you want to make the most of while you are there. You need to be well prepared for it, with an open mind and a willingness to listen to and work on the spiritual guidance or advice that the psychic offers. One of the main factors that make sure you have a fulfilling experience is to have the right questions to ask your psychic. Even if the psychic is an extremely experienced reader, chances are that the reading could miss the target or may not turn out to be fruitful to you if you are not prepared beforehand.
One of the things you could do in order to be prepared for your face-to-face psychic readings in Melbourne is to prepare the questions that you would like to ask the psychic. If you have questions ready, it will help bring some clarity and direction to the reading. It will also keep you and the psychic more focused, and make the experience more meaningful to you.
Here are some guidelines to keep in mind while preparing questions to ask your psychic reader:
- Avoid questions that can be answered with a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’. Examples of such questions are “Should I quit my job?”, or “Is my spouse being unfaithful?” With these questions you are essentially forcing the psychic to give you conclusive facts or assumptions about specific events or problems in your life, whereas that is not the purpose for psychic readings. Instead, you can ask questions like “What do you see for me in the future, with regards to my career? I am not that happy in my current job.” Or “I feel that my spouse is not happy in our marriage anymore. What do you pick up?” Be more open to the reading and the insight of the psychic. If the reading is moving you a little out of your comfort zone, trust the psychic enough to follow. For instance, through an email psychic reading, you have more opportunity to be elaborate with your description and your question. This also gives the psychic to deliberate on their reading and their guidance. If you approach the reading expecting to get quick and short answers to all your problems, you might miss the bigger message or the spiritual guidance you were meant to receive.
- Focus more on your behaviour. You can describe your behaviour to the psychic and seek to understand why you have been feeling a certain way about a certain situation in your life. This is especially helpful if you have opted for a phone psychic reading. Utilise your own perceptions and intuitions to analyse yourself, and ask the psychic for more clarity on the same. Do not expect them to spell out every specific detail and expect conclusive answers. Which brings us to the next point…
- Try not to ask the psychic reader to make decisions for you or tell you what to do. This is the most tempting way to go for many people. You may have a dilemma regarding some issue or problematic situation in your life, and you just want someone to tell you what you should do or how to solve the problem. This is not what a psychic reader tries to help you with. Instead he or she will give you more clarity on your own feelings or behaviours and a different perceptive even. One popular psychic reader who does face-to-face psychic readings in Melbourne says that these questions can be especially tricky as you are essentially putting your psychic reader on the spot. They may offer spiritual guidance and reassurance of what the future may hold for you, if you take the right decision.
The key to a spiritually fulfilling and empowering psychic session is to be fully prepared to accept and consider whatever guidance the psychic offers. Therefore make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to ask your psychic reader, and find the happiness and peace you are looking for.